What if I Told You, You Are Perfect As You Are?
Kat OM Life, Spiritual Conscious Living and Musings on Everyday Life
Image: Woman standing in the woods with a big smile. Photo credit: Jamie Brown via Unsplash
What if I told You there is nothing is wrong with you?
You are perfect as you are.
Nothing is wrong with you. You are perfect as you are.
There I said it.
The above statement is true.
This world has conditioned you to believe all of these things are wrong with you that simply are not true.
And this makes you act in ways that are not really you.
Some false beliefs are due to marketing. Ads to sell you stuff you don’t need. You know this already, but you need a reminder because it’s so ingrained you in that you’re not good enough because your hair isn’t chemically silky enough. Your skin is aging, but so is the model they photoshopped because she’s not even good enough for the fantasy they sell.
I saw a comment from a 12-year-old on a YouTube video on cosmetic tips saying she found a really good anti-aging cream. She was 12. True but sad story. This should make you realize how bad, deep, out of hand this brainwashing is. When I was 12 years old, I didn’t worry about anti-aging cream. They were busy selling me the Barbie fantasy and fairy tales.
All these things they sell that aren’t really important and don’t make us better human beings, or make us happier in the end. Celebrities with all their fame and fortune try to tell us this all time.
But we live in a society that falls for the illusion of perfection and having it all. It still will get the most social media Likes.
Society conditions us to be competitive. You have to be better than the Jones. Competition leads to perfectionism. Beating out the competition. Perfectionism leads to not taking responsibility or accountability because that would mean we were less than the perfect image we are trying to create.
Other false beliefs were passed down through family and trauma.
Beliefs that feelings are a weakness. It’s better to look strong like you have it all together. Even though you’re falling apart inside. just don’t make the family look bad.
Until not feeling your feelings and not discussing them leads to stuffing them down with food, drugs, alcohol, work, and perfectionism. Pick your escape route. But it seldom works.
Then society tells you, you should go into therapy to fix what is wrong with you.
But truth is, there is nothing wrong with you. It is society that is sick and unwell.
What you need is not improvement but healing.
An unlearning and unconditioning from an emotionally unhealthy society that tried to condition you with all of its false and harmful beliefs.
And that’s what spirituality, consciousness, and awakening is all about. It is the awareness of this truth. And the healing of all the places that hurt inside of you brought on by an unconscious world. Healing reveals the light that has been buried deep inside of you.
That light. That love inside of you. That IS who you truly are.
The goal is to stay aligned with that light and love as much and for as long as you can.
Forgive the world. Do not carry the burden of its weight on your shoulders.
The world is slowly evolving and growing.
Help it heal and grow.
Surround yourself with a daily practice of books, activities, and people who inspire you and keep you connected to the truth and light.
Your healing is what you pass on to your friends and family and helps to bring change and heal the world.
Every person who heals brings healing to those around them.
Through a smile. Through non-judgment, kindness, forgiveness, acceptance, and compassion.
And they will pass them on to others.
Your healing is the greatest legacy you can leave this world.
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Kat OM is the author of Resilient Love: Turn Your Wounds into Your Wings, blogger, and Spiritual Mindset Resilience Coach. Kat helps her readers and clients find healing through self-love, spirituality, and mindfulness tools to add more peace, joy, and resilience in their lives. You can find Kat OM at:
KatOMLife.com | IG: kat.om.life_resilient.love | FB: katOM30